Cancellation, Refund & Return Policy

Request for Cancellation before the shipping label is generated: Eligible for full refund (No questions asked). The shipping label is usually generated within an hour of placing the order.


Request for Cancellation after the shipping label is generated: No Cancellation and No Refund.


Request for Refund for a lost shipment or fully damaged product: Upto Full Refund (after verifying the details on a case to case basis). For fully damaged shipments, the shipment unboxing video is mandatory for full or any refund. Always record the unboxing of your shipments so that you can show us the proof and demand your claim for refund.


Request for Refund for a partially damaged product (during shipping transit due to mishandling by the courier company): No Refund for products that are partially damaged but functionality of the product is preserved. This is a risk associated with shipping and is beyond our control.


Request for replacement for a faulty product manufactured by Send us the video of the faulty product and we will replace the product for you without any questions.


No Returns: We do not accept returning of our shipments under any circumstances. If the shipment is found to be faulty, it can be refunded or replaced as per the policy mentioned above.


Please Note: On eligible refunds, we refund the amount through UPI or online bank transfer. We process refunds manually from our side so that the refund is credited to you almost immediately (except in circumstances where there is an issue with banking system). We do not provide store credit or hold your money with us. We believe in transparent and honest refunds.

Mandatory requirements for refund or replacement

Unboxing Video of Shipping: For any claim regarding refund or replacement, unedited and uncut video of unboxing of the shipment (with shipping label clearly visible and readable) is mandatory. Without the video proof in the above manner, No claims will be entertained.


Complete and Correct Address: The delivery agents do not always call the customer before delivery (It is not mandatory for them to call as per their working protocol). Therefore, it is important for you to provide complete and correct address details. So that the delivery agent cannot commit fraud that they attempted the delivery but couldn’t find the address and return the shipment back to us. If you provide complete and correct address (House Number, Floor Number, Building Name/Society Name, Nearest Landmark, Main Road, Area & Sub-Area Name and Correct Pin Code), then it is the responsibility of IASPrepKit to deliver the product to you. IASPrepKit takes no liability when incorrect and incomplete address is provided.


Correct Phone Number & Email: The Phone Number and email provided should always be functional and reachable. If the phone number is switched off or the customer is not available during the shipment delivery attempt, then IASPrepKit is not liable for any refund or replacement during such circumstances. If the customer is not available due to any situation, he/she should assign or communicate any other person on their behalf to receive the delivery of the shipment.